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IVG Breakthrough: How Scientists Are Making Babies from Skin Cells!

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IVG stands for in vitro gametogenesis; a fancy way of saying that individual cells are capable of producing life. Researchers have taken skin cells from mice, turned them into reproductive sperm or egg cells, and then combined them to form embryos that resulted in baby mice. The research suggests that IVG may one day be possible with humans.

The Future Is Here

pregnant woman in white holding belly.
Photo credit: C Technical via Canva.

Further research showed that any cell could be used. In reference to whether humans could use their own DNA to produce their own children, Yale’s Hugh Taylor MD, Professor of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and Reproductive Sciences and Professor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, is “…confident it is not if a matter of if this will be…but when.”

What Does IVG Mean To Humankind?

scientists in lab.
Photo credit: Gustavo Fring via Canva.

According to Naomi Cahn, law professor at the University of Virginia School of Law, IVG promises the “means of producing an unlimited supply of sperm and eggs genetically related to the intended parents. This possibility could largely eliminate the need for donors to provide gametes for use in assisted reproduction.”

Solo IVG

pregnant woman in red holding belly.
Photo credit: Andre Furtado via Canva.

IVG offers the opportunity for single individuals to procreate without relying on the genetic contribution of another person. Before you react to how crazy an idea that sounds, consider a single individual who does not wish to or cannot reproduce via a traditional physical sexual relationship, or from traditional donor sperm or egg, or with using a surrogate.

The term being used is, “uni-baby.”

There was a time when donor eggs, donor sperm and surrogacy were considered outrageous. Is IVG just another advancement in reproductive technology?

90 Year Old Moms & 10 Year Old Dads 

white background with clock, stethoscope and syringes.
Photo credit: panyakuanunphotos via Canva.

In theory, a 90-year-old person’s cells could be used to create a child with IVG. A child’s cells could create a baby. A deceased person’s cells could produce a child. Cells could even be harvested from a fetus, which could then “make” a child. (With the IVG produced baby brought to fruition in a viable uterus).

But beyond these provocative, and unlikely, sounding usages, there is the very real application of helping a woman who has entered menopause prematurely have a baby, for instance. Read on for other scenarios.

IVG renders the biological clock, irrelevant.

Same-Sex Couples

black male couple.
Photo credit: Uriel Mont via Canva.

This technology has the potential to enable same-sex couples to conceive children who share biological ties with both partners.

For male gay couples, a surrogate would still be necessary (unless artificial wombs become a viable option) to bring the embryo to term.

For lesbian couples, one could have the embryo implanted and carry the pregnancy to term. This would allow them to avoid the need to rely on anyone outside of the relationship.

LGBTQ+ Fertility Options

group of young adults in colorful clothing.
Photo credit: Luciano Spinelli via Canva.

LGBTQ+ individuals or parents face persistent challenges, with an increasing number of instances where judges refuse parental rights to a non-biological parent. However, with the advent of IVG, those wanting to parent could liberate themselves from the dependence on donors.

Multiplex Parenting

three people together outside.
Photo credit: Justin Luck via Canva.

IVG could facilitate the concept of “multiplex” parenting, where larger groups of individuals can procreate together, resulting in children who are genetically related to all members of the group.

Choosing Our Children

two people in lab looking at microscope.
Photo credit: Pavel Danilyuk via Canva.

IVG has the capacity to enhance and refine the process of prenatal selection by considering multiple factors when selecting embryos. This could aid in avoiding genetic health issues, that could be screened.

IVG Can Further Scientific Inquiry

blue DNA strands.
Photo credit: geralt via Canva.

IVG can be used for research purposes, such as enabling the study of fertilization, early embryonic development, genetic mutations, and test potential drug therapies, among other uses.

Is IVG a Good Thing?

white question mark against brick wall.
Photo credit: geralt via Canva.

One has to take into consideration the benefits or drawbacks associated with IVG being contingent upon the social, scientific, and legal context in which it is employed and the manner in which it is utilized.

The Future: What Exactly Defines Parenthood?

two people holding baby aloft.
Photo credit: Crystal Sing via Canva.

According to I. Glen Cohen, Faculty Director of The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics at Harvard Law School, “IVG has the potential to upend one of the most traditional elements of human culture—our understanding of what parenthood is and how it occurs. It is critical for law and medical ethics to grapple with the far-ranging implications of this new technology.”

This article was based upon research articles from The National Center for Biotechnology Information, The Petrie-Flom Center for Health Law Policy, Biotechnology and Bioethics at Harvard Law School, and NPR.

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Pregnant Woman gender reveal
Photo credit_ Jacob Lund via Canva

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Breakingpic via Canva.

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