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Haunted America: Explore The Top 10 Spookiest States

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As we approach the spine-tingling Halloween season when all things eerie and mysterious take center stage, it’s essential to remember that the level of fright you encounter might depend on where you reside. Some regions, it seems, have a more pronounced penchant for the paranormal.

Let’s Get Scared!

ghost by house
Photo credit Alexas_Fotos from pixabay via Canva.

A recently unveiled study by has pinpointed the states where hauntings and ghostly encounters are allegedly most prevalent. This investigation involved a comprehensive analysis of each state based on factors such as the quantity and quality of haunted house attractions, and the popularity of the most haunted locations in online searches, among other spooky factors.

Coast to Coast – Spirits, Ghosts & The Unexplained

haunted forest.
Photo credit: Hans via Canva.

These states have earned a well-deserved reputation for their spine-chilling mysteries, eerie landscapes, and unforgettable journeys into the unexplained.

In addition to this meticulous research, also compiled an extensive catalog of the most haunted locations in each state. The team meticulously examined the top 10 to 20 reputedly haunted sites per state and employed Google search data and operators to determine their true popularity.

California: A Hot Spot for Hauntings

Photo credit: Patrick Gamelkoorn via Canva.

California claims the top spot as the most haunted state overall, boasting a total of 128 haunted houses spread throughout the state, with a high scare factor of 4.6 out of 5. Folks are searching Google with well over 2 million California haunted related searches every day.

Taking the crown with a remarkable 2,240,000 Google searches is California’s Alcatraz. The notorious abandoned prison, known for housing infamous inmates, has become equally renowned for its alleged hauntings. Visitors can even partake in haunted tours at night to learn about the spectral residents said to haunt its dimly lit corridors.

Utah: Trains to the Unknown

Photo credit: Public Domain.

Utah secures second place with 29 haunted houses, but the average haunted house rating is 4.4 out of 5, a little lower than some other states in this list. They boast the second-highest number of daily Google searches for its most haunted site, with an average of 1,044,000 searches dedicated to Utah’s Union Station.

Stories of paranormal activity at this location abound, with tales of three apparitions, including a woman and her children, purportedly haunting the premises.

Join The Paranormal Club at The University of New Hampshire

t-hall UNH.
Photo credit: Public Domain.

New Hampshire clinches the third position with 12 haunted houses, with a high scare factor rating of 4.6. Just under 1 million people per day are searching for scary New Hampshire opportunities.

The University of New Hampshire in Durham is known for numerous locations on campus that are allegedly haunted. There have been rumors of ghosts in Stoke Hall, Smith Hall, Hood House, Hetzel Hall, Wolff House, T-Hall and Adams Towers.

A Paranormal Club was formed in 2011. Over the years, unexplained voices, footsteps, and apparitions have been reported by many.


Photo credit: Ohio State University.

135 haunted house are scattered throughout the state, also with a 4.6 scare rating. Over 600,000 searches per day

Ohio University in Athens, OH is claimed to be one of the most haunted places in the world. The university is believed to be haunted by spirits from the former Athens Lunatic Asylum. After opening in 1874, the asylum quickly became overcrowded, and rumors swirled around the treatment of the patients within.

Iowa: Clara Barton Visitations

History_LakeLaVerne Iowa State.
Photo credit: Iowa State University.

Only 37 haunted houses reported in Iowa, and the scare rating is a bit lower, at 4.3, but the searches on Google for fright fun is over 800,000 per day.

Iowa State University, in Ames, IA, is known to be haunted. (What is it with campuses?) An article in IowaStateDaily has several stories reported by university staff of their experiences with the paranormal at various locations in campus.

At The Farm House, reports of locked doors, flickering lights and odd noises are common. The Barton Residence Hall is supposedly haunted by a “nice” ghost: none other than Clara Barton herself. Gold Star Hall has unexplained noises, and many have reported strange shadows and voices in the Hotel Memorial Union.

The Fisher Theatre is said to be visited by the ghost of one of the theater program’s founders, Frederica Shattuck. According to urban legend, her wheelchair, which she donated to the program, rolled centerstage one day during rehearsal as if ready to perform.

Nevada: The Land of Screaming Spirits

Hoover Dam.
Photo credit: Christopher Delcamp via Canva.

How are there only 13 haunted houses in Nevada? We would think there would be more. And the scare factor is a mere 4.1, but searches? Over 750,000 every single day. Folks want to be scared, so if you are visiting Nevada, head on over to the Hoover Dam.

Supposedly you can hear the sound of a spirit falling to their death. This Youtube video supposedly captures the sound!

Mystical Missouri

Photo credit: Public Domain.

Missouri is known for Ravenswood, in Bunceton, MO. You can read all about it in this Facebook post. Door lock and unlock by themselves. Christmas tree ornaments come crashing down the central staircase, a broken music box is known to spontaneously play, and people have claimed to hear music and laughter coming from the lawn, and seen lanterns in the trees, just as the owners, Nadine and Charles Leonard, used to display.

More Inexplicable Shenanigans in Florida

Photo credit: Public Domain.

Ashley’s restaurant in Rockledge, FL is known for some mysterious events. There is a ghost who is said to play jokes on people by hiding their keys and other items. The keys are always found, but in places they shouldn’t be. Could it be because the restaurant was built on top of a former train station that caught fire years ago? That is one theory. Read more in this article.

Nebraska: Unsettled Native Americans

Dunklau_Center Nebraska.
Photo credit: Concordia University.

In the world of haunted house enthusiasts, Nebraska is known for Concordia University. This dormitory at Concordia University is believed to be haunted by Native Americans whose 1700s bones were discovered when the dorm was built in the 1970s. Haunting reports here include electronic appliances and showers that turn on by themselves.

Here is a quote from a 2023 Freshman: “I’m a current freshman at Concordia University in David Hall. It’s only my third week here and I have already had a paranormal experience……I was taking a shower Saturday night when the lights went out and the water stopped. I was thinking it was one of my friends messing around but I had a strange feeling of cold air rush over me. Before I could get my towel I was pushed into the floor by an entity. The lights flickered back on for a split second and I seen tall figure with what looked to be an Indian chiefs war hat. After the light came back on it was like nothing happened I was cold and naked on the shower floor. I haven’t been able to sleep since.”

Pennsylvania: Warring Ghosts

Photo credit: Public Domain.

The renowned Cliveden site in Philadelphia witnessed the pivotal Battle of Germantown in 1777, marking a tragic chapter in history where numerous lives were lost. Today, a stately mansion graces the grounds, and it is rumored to be a place of eerie occurrences. Given the significant loss of lives during the battle, it’s no wonder that many speculate the presence of lingering spirits, among them, a headless elderly woman on a perpetual quest to reclaim her severed head.

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Sheetz Store 1.
Photo credit: Sheetz.

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Photo credit: Totajla via Canva.

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tops of soda cans.
Breakingpic via Canva.

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woman disgusted at food.
Photo credit: nicoletaionescu via DepositPhotos.

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Elvis Star.
Photo credit: Nito103.

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man shocked.
Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio via Canva.

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Graphic of doctor not listening.
Photo credit: Aleuti via DepositPhotos.

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Learn the signs and the ways in which you can take back control if this happens to you. Read: Take Back Control: How to Identify and Tackle Medical Gaslighting

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coconut oil.
Photo credit: DanaTentis via Canva.

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white truffle.
Photo credit: fabrizio_esposito via Canva.

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flamin' hot Cheetos.
Photo credit: PBT via DepositPhotos.

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woman holding cash.
John Guccione via Canva.

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