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9 Of The Most Bizarre Cruel Weapons Created in the Last 500 Years

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If you like weird, macabre lists, this is a doozy. We are not fans of war, but we all know that war means weapons, and at different parts of history, there have been some very curious, bizarre, cruel weapons invented. Let’s take a stroll through the ages…

Exploding Rats

Diagram of exploding rat
Image Credit: Public Domain.

In World War II, the British intelligence agency devised a plan to use deceased rats filled with explosives to sabotage German boilers. Unfortunately, the enemy discovered this scheme before it could be executed.

Paper Balloon Bombs

Japanese paper war balloon.
A Japanese 10-meter diameter Mulberry paper balloon re-inflated at NAS Moffett Field, CA following its downing by a Navy aircraft about 30 miles west of Alturas, CA on January 10, 1945 (US Army photo A 37180C). This balloon now belongs to the National Air and Space Museum. Photo credit: U.S. Army.

During World War II, the Japanese created paper balloons attached with bombs, intending to use the jet stream to carry them across the Pacific to North America, causing panic and destruction.

Greek Fire 

Greek fire.
Photo credit: Public Domain.

The Byzantine Empire developed Greek Fire around 672 AD, an incendiary liquid that could burn on water. It played a vital role in naval warfare, effectively targeting enemy ships.

Maxim Machine Gun

Maxim machine gun.
Photo credit: Public Domain.

Sir Hiram Maxim’s 1884 invention, the Maxim Machine Gun, marked the advent of fully automatic firearms. While not bizarre by today’s standards, it revolutionized warfare during its time.

Ship-Mounted Aerial Mine Rocket Launcher 

Photo Credit By Beadell, S J (Lt), Royal Navy official photographer – This photograph A 9385 comes from the collections of the Imperial War Museums (collection no. 4700-01), Public Domain

In World War II, an experimental ship-mounted aerial mine rocket launcher was designed to launch mines into the sky, intercepting enemy aircraft.


Photo credit: Public Domain.

The Panjandrum, a World War II weapon, featured a massive wheel designed to roll toward enemy fortifications and explode. However, it was never used in combat due to its uncontrollable nature.

Suicide Bomb Dogs

Photo credit: Ralphs_Fotos via Canva.

In World War II, the Soviet Union trained dogs to carry explosives and target enemy tanks. These “suicide bomb dogs” were deployed against German tanks with mixed success.

Hand Grenades

Photo credit: stayerimpact via Canva.

During the Civil War, soldiers improvised explosives using fuses and gunpowder to create rudimentary hand grenades, which saw action in battles.

Hitler’s Gustav Gun – The Largest Gun Ever Made

Gustav Gun Photo Credit Public Domain
Photo Credit: Public Domain.

Nazi leader Adolf Hitler, keen on invading France, sought a powerful weapon capable of breaching the robust defenses of the French Maginot Line, Western Europe’s primary protective barrier. By 1941, following France’s fall, the German arms company Friedrich Krupp A.G. initiated the construction of the formidable Gustav gun for Hitler.

The gun, spanning 155 feet in length and standing four stories tall, weighed 1,350 tons. It fired massive 10,000-pound projectiles from its colossal 98-foot barrel.

22 Meals To Die For: Death Row Last Meals And Our Fascination With Them

prisoner with empty bowl
Photo Credit: Ron Lach From Pexels.

Have you ever mused about what you would want for your last meal? For those who are facing capital punishment, it isn’t merely a game. They are going to think long and hard about what they want, because it is actually their last meal.

There have been many articles written about “last meals” of death row inmates in the United States, including in major newspapers such as the New York Times and the Chicago Tribune, a book has been published about the topic, and artists have created large bodies of work about last meals.

Read: 22 Meals To Die For: Death Row Last Meals And Our Fascination With Them

Alive or Dead? You Be The Judge… 15 Famous People Rumored To Be Alive After They Were Reported Dead

Elvis Star.
Photo credit: Nito103.

There are many celebrities who have been rumored to be alive after they were reported dead, either because of false reports, hoaxes, rumors or conspiracy theories. 

You be the judge…. Are they really alive or dead as claimed? Read: Alive or Dead? You Be The Judge… 15 Famous People Rumored To Be Alive After They Were Reported Dead

14 Of The Craziest Hacks People Use Mayonnaise For – Even In The Bedroom!

man shocked.
Photo credit: Andrea Piacquadio via Canva.

After you click through this slide show you will never look at a jar of mayo the same way again. Trust us. Click for 14 Of The Craziest Hacks People Use Mayonnaise For – Even In The Bedroom!

Take Back Control: How to Identify and Tackle Medical Gaslighting

Graphic of doctor not listening.
Photo credit: Aleuti via DepositPhotos.

What is medical gaslighting? Medical gaslighting refers to a situation in which healthcare providers dismiss or diminish the symptoms that an individual is experiencing, attempting to persuade them that the symptoms are attributed to an alternative cause or are mere figments of their imagination. Medical gaslighting can leave you questioning your own experience. And at worse can lead to undiagnosed serious illness.

Learn the signs and the ways in which you can take back control if this happens to you. Read: Take Back Control: How to Identify and Tackle Medical Gaslighting

Don’t Fall For These 17 Foods That Pretend To Be Healthy

coconut oil.
Photo credit: DanaTentis via Canva.

Have you heard the term “Dr. Google”? That’s when you turn to search engines and the Internet to provide health and medical information – and unless you know how to vet sources, it is a mine field of faulty information. Here are 17 foods that you might have heard are “healthy”, but we have the whole story. PS: the moment a food becomes a trend, research carefully. We’re looking at you bulletproof coffee!

Click for Don’t Fall For These 17 Foods That Pretend To Be Healthy

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